The new Spider-Man film shows that representation is a winning strategy

March 2024 · 3 minute read

Turns out inclusivity also means more people want to give you their money! The early box office figures for the new Spider-Man film — and the demographic data of moviegoers — paint a vivid picture.

Who is he? There are plenty of variations on who Spider-Man is, and now Miles Morales is getting the spotlight.

What's the big deal? The most recent film in the series, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse has made even bigger headlines and received rave reviews.

What are people saying?

Here's what the co-director of the first film, Peter Ramsey, had to say about the significance of Miles in a 2019 interview with NPR:

This genre allows people to sort of project themselves onto these heroic figures who struggle with their own difficulties and own insecurities,

[People of color] want to be part of the story, want to be part of the myth. If you can't be part of a myth like that, then what do you have in a culture?

And here's Mondello again, in his review of Across the Spider-Verse:

If the last film was a major reset for genre expectations, Across The Spider-Verse is an expansion for artistic ones, rich enough in feeling and character and innovative visuals to warrant — and I'm kind of astonished to be saying this — the second or even third visit that fans will want to give it. I may just join them.

Want more on movies? Listen to Consider This speak with actor Michael J. Fox on his career, and struggle with Parkinson's.

So, what now?

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