Ian Davis | The Guardian

October 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Dr Ian Davis is an independent human security and arms control consultant and activist. He has a rich background in government, academia, and the non-governmental organisation sector. He received both his Ph.D. and BA in Peace Studies from the University of Bradford, in the United Kingdom. He was formerly executive director of the British American Security Information Council (BASIC) (2001-2007) and before that programme manager at another UK-based thinktank, Saferworld (1998-2001). He has expertise in British and US defence and foreign policy, transatlantic security issues, the international arms trade and arms control and disarmament issues and has made high-level presentations in North America, Europe and South Asia on these issues. He is a member of the United Nations Association-UK Advisory Panel and the Asymmetric Threats Contingency Alliance (ACTA); a trustee of the Geneva-based Bio-Weapons Prevention Project (BWPP); and a council member of the Gerson Lehrman Group.

His publications include: The UK Trident Vote Explained, BASIC Note (2007); The Transatlantic Dimension to the Conflict in Lebanon, BASIC Paper No 52 (2006); Foreign Policy in Focus, Taking the Wind Out of the Perfect Geopolitical Storm: Iran and the Crisis over Non-proliferation, co-author with Paul Ingram (2005); Sailing Into Uncharted Waters? The Proliferation Security Initiative and the Law of the Sea, BASIC Research Report, co-author with Andreas Persbo (2004); Unravelling the Known Unknowns: Why no Weapons of Mass Destruction have been found in Iraq, BASIC Special Report, co-author with David Isenberg (2004); Small arms and light weapons in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Report of Expert Group, London: Saferworld (2002); The Regulation of Arms and Dual-Use Exports: Germany, Sweden and the UK, SIPRI/Oxford University Press (2002); Britain in the 21st Century: Rethinking defence and foreign policy, Nottingham: Spokesman, co-editor with John Gittings (1997)
