One storyline among the teens of General Hospital is the love triangle involving Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Chavez), his girlfriend Esme Prince (Avery Pohl), and his friend Trina Robinson (Sydney Mikayla).
There are a lot of questions as to whom Spencer will end up with. Surprisingly, Pohl shared that she supports Spencer being with Trina, not her character.
Spencer is in a love triangle with Esme and Trina
When Spencer came back to Port Charles, he quickly befriended Trina. The two of them seemed to get along well, and they even shared a romantic moment during a party at Spencer’s place.
However, just when viewers thought Spencer and Trina might get together, Esme came into the picture. She is Spencer’s girlfriend whom he began dating in Europe.
Trina distanced herself from Spencer, but it is clear to many people that she continues to harbor some feelings for him.
Avery Pohl thinks Spencer should be with Trina
In a recent interview with Soap Opera Digest, Pohl shared that she actually supports Spencer dating Trina, not Esme.
“No question about it. Spencer needs someone like Trina in his life — although I don’t know if Trina needs someone like Spencer in her life,” she explained. “Their chemistry on screen is fantastic and they’re really fun to watch. We’ll see how it plays out, but I would definitely be Team ‘Sprina.’”
However, Pohl does enjoy working with Chavez. Spencer and Esme currently have a lot of scenes together, especially when they were scheming to torment Ava Jerome (Maura West).
She said of Chavez, “We’ve spent a good amount of time working on our characters together, and then also working on them separately, and I think because of the dynamic of Esme and Spencer, we really have to keep some things to ourselves, and pick and choose what we share with each other, what we want each other to know about our characters. He’s such a great actor and it’s been really fun to watch him work, as well.”
Chavez also seems to be Team Sprina. On Twitter, he once shared a quote from an interview he did with a soap opera magazine about why Spencer likes Trina so much.
“She puts him in his place, man. She’s not afraid to speak her mind,” he said. “Trina is a very direct person. I think he really respects that—and of course, he is just completely charmed by how gorgeous she is.”
Majority of fans do not want Spencer and Trina to date
Nonetheless, the majority of fans do not agree with Pohl. Although Spencer and Trina seem to have good chemistry, many viewers think Trina deserves someone better than Spencer.
In a poll conducted by Soap Hub, 67 percent of viewers believe Trina should find someone who treats her better. However, 27 percent thinks she should give Spencer a chance if he is willing to change his deceitful ways.
Yet, only 6 percent of fans want Spencer and Trina to date no matter what.