‘Difference is beautiful’: pregnant trans men go for a swim – in pictures Seahorse Parents is a photography and film project in which four soon-to-be parents share their personal stories of what carrying future children as transgender men has been like
Mee-Lai Stone
@mlestone Main image: ‘This is about celebrating our transness’ … Alex & Jerome, Seahorse Parents, 2022 Photograph: Miriam Guttmann
Tue 8 Aug 2023 02.00 EDT Last modified on Tue 8 Aug 2023 03.11 EDT
Jerome, 2022 ‘It’s 2022. Not only women can get pregnant, men can get pregnant, too,’ says Jerome. ‘Visibility plays a crucial role in empowering transgender youth who may be questioning their identities. As a seahorse dad myself I can demonstrate that it is possible to embrace one’s gender identity and still fulfil the dream of becoming a parent.’ Seahorse Parents is at Foam, Amsterdam, until 27 September . All photos: Miriam Guttmann Share on Facebook Alex & Jerome, Seahorse Parents, 2022 ‘I feel like far too often projects involving queer and trans people revolve around trauma,’ says Alex. ‘This project is all about celebrating and embracing our transness, our bodies, and our babies. In addition, participating in this with another pregnant transmasculine person was the most affirming experience I’ve ever had. Men can give birth’ Share on Facebook Alex, 2022 Alex: ‘Visibility and representation create a sense of community and belonging. When you don’t see yourself in the world it’s hard to feel like you belong. In terms of birthing as a transgender person, representation looks like using inclusive language and having access to safe resources. Recognising that not all birthing people are moms and using the correct descriptors’ Share on Facebook Alex, 2022 Alex: ‘I think Seahorse Parents is about showcasing the differences that exist among birthing people. It’s about acknowledging that those differences aren’t inherently bad, but, rather, beautiful. Seahorse Parents shows that all parents deserve to create families in whatever ways feel right to them’ Share on Facebook Seahorse Parents, 2022 The series showcases these heavily pregnant transgender parents under water, using the metaphor of the seahorse, for which the males are the baby carriers. Guttmann’s main objective for the project is to normalise and celebrate pregnant transgender people. The project seeks to challenge prevailing cultural ideas of femininity and masculinity. What is a pregnant body ‘supposed’ to look like? And what world do the parents hope to bring their children into? You can view a trailer for the project’s film here Share on Facebook Liam, 2022 ‘In the United States right now, new legislation is being introduced that makes it harder and harder for us to claim our spot at the table every day,’ says Liam. ‘It is important that we are visible and represented so that all of us know that we are here, we have always been here, and will always be here. This is how we help each other to stay strong in the wake of legislative, physical and emotional violence’ Share on Facebook Liam, 2022 Liam: ‘I want the viewer to see that trans and non-binary people are actually just people, and that we have the same desire to grow and love our families as cisgender people do. Seahorse Parents is about putting our stories out into the world. It shows our budding families in the most beautiful light’ Share on Facebook Liam, 2022 Liam: ‘Body parts do not define what your gender is. My body is just capable of things that cisgender men aren’t capable of. That’s all. I mean, really, that’s all it comes down to. I do not feel in any way that I’ve detransitioned or gone back to being a woman or anything like that’ Share on Facebook Ruben and child, 2022 ‘I want the viewer to understand how proud we are of our bodies and how incredible it is that we can carry our children by ourselves,’ says Ruben. ‘I hope that Seahorse Parents can contribute to viewers broadening their horizons and loosen up their perspectives’ Share on Facebook Ruben, 2022 Ruben: ‘Visibility and representation are important to feel safe and recognised. When you’re pregnant, you carry a child for which you feel pride and protection, but as a visibly pregnant, transgender man, you’re not always safe.’ Seahorse Parents is part of Queer & Pride Amsterdam 2023. For more information about pregnant transgender persons and organisations that support them visit the Seahorse Parents website Share on Facebook Topics ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7tbTEoKyaqpSerq96wqikaJmiqa6vsMOeqqKfnmS0orjLnqmyZ2Jlf3R7wK6eaGhoZLGqssWeqZ6mk5p6qr%2BMm5yaraSes7a4jKmpnp%2Belru1edOrmKerXaKyr3nGqGSfp6Jirm6%2F1qKkZqGeYr2qr9OuqZ6r