From the archive, 29 December 1923: The Dixmude: commander's body recovered
Originally published in the Manchester Guardian on 29 December 1923The ray of hope which was caused by the news received late last night that the airship Dixmude was seen on December 26 drifting over the Sahara has been quickly extinguished this morning by the brief announcement from the Ministry of Marine that the body of Lieutenant Duplessis de Granadan, the commander of the airship, has been found off the coast of Sicily.
So confusing has been the news since the airship was first reported missing that many still cling to the belief that the "phantom airship" seen over the Sahara was the Dixmude, but at the Admiralty no hope is held out, and this morning M. Raiberti, Minister of Marine, called on M. Poincaré and informed him of the loss of the airship. It was the French Naval Attache at Rome who sent the news to the Admiralty that a body had been found by fishermen six miles off Sciacci, in South-west Sicily, and later news was received from the Italian Admiralty confirming the identification of the body and sending its condolences.
The view generally accepted here is that on the night of December 21 the Dixmude failed to receive the message from Algiers warning her not to attempt to reach the coast of France, and set out to recross the Mediterranean. Either the ship was overwhelmed by the storm or became disabled, and the crew were forced to make an effort to save themselves by parachutes, the commander remaining on board till the last. The Admiralty hold out little hope that there can be any survivor.
Possibility of continued drift in Sicily
It is beyond belief that a large, rigid airship could sink at sea without leaving any trace except one body. On the other hand, if the ship is still in the air, how came the captain to fall into the sea? The most probable theory is that the Dixmude is still flying or drifting across the Sahara. She has probably lost a lot of gas by now. The behaviour of the airship would seem to indicate lack of intelligent piloting, and that lends credibility to the supposition that the captain had fallen overboard.
It is acknowledged that Lieutenant Duplessis de Granadan was a good airship officer, though most of his experience was gained on small non-rigid ships. He had not flown the Dixmude more than half a dozen times.
On the present occasion the Dixmude is reported to have fought against a storm. On principle an airship ought not to fly in the teeth of a gale: it wastes petrol. The captain should manoeuvre outside the storm area, and heavy gales rarely have a wide front. Engines should be stopped before petrol is exhausted, and we do not know that this was not done. There should be nothing very difficult about making a safe landing in the desert by means of grapnels. Such a feat has often been performed. When she is found it will doubtless be possible to decide whether she was badly handled. Until then judgement must be suspended.
Major F. A. de V. Robertson, London.
[At the time of the disaster, the Dixmude held the world records for distance and flight duration. In January 1924, an inquiry concluded that the airship had been struck by lightning 2,000 metres above the Mediterranean near where Sicilian fishermen had seen two 'burning globes' fall into the sea. Months later, a second body along with parts of the ship's cabin and a burned French tricolor were recovered but no other wreckage or trace of the 48 man crew was ever found.]