Is it worse to be cynical or jaded? | Notes and Queries

April 2024 · 6 minute read


Is it worse to be cynical or jaded?

Terry Felstead, London

  • What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? I don't know and I don't care...

    JD, Columbus, US

  • Surely you mean... is it better to be cynical or jaded?

    Angela, London

  • People become jaded through repetitive experience. This is reasonable but dull. Cynicism is unreasonable but much more fun.

    Fred, London UK

  • At least if you're jaded it implies you've lived a little. I mean when it comes to wild parties I'm jaded, darling!

    Rachel, New York USA

  • Embrace your inner cynic. Of course, you get pretty jaded because of this after a while though.

    greg, montreal canada

  • Actually, a cynic is someone who moans constantly but never does anything about anything and is determined to stay that way. Someone who's jaded hasn't lost the will to change, they've just lost the means. Scratch the surface of a cynic and you'll find someone who simply doesn't have any answers. Polish the surface of a jaded person and you'll find they'll come up good as new.

    R Cooper, Twickenham

  • No. It's better to be cynical or jaded.

    Nigel Smith, Reading UK

  • Cynicism is a term derived from a philsophical school that questions everything without accepting immediate facts. Thus leading to the belief structure that everything must be questioned and nothing is as simple or easy as it seems. Jaded refers to an arrogance that is structered on the "been there, done that, have that tee-shirt" mentality.

    Poly, Liverpool UK

  • Being cynical is the lowest form of humour but the highest form of intelligence

    Kevin smith,

  • Cynics make good reporters.

    Ann Moore, Hampton USA

  • Why should such negative emotions become associated with such a lovely colour as green?

    figbash, England

  • Cynic comes from the Greek and means 'dog-like.' Jaded comes from the middle English and means 'horse-like'. So it depends whether you prefer dogs or horses.

    Karen, Oldham

  • Better to be both, then all bases are covered

    Charlotte, Brighton, UK

  • Jaded hobbits are like that only because they've been to Mt.Doom and back. Cynical hobbits never leave the shire. They don't like adventure.

    Greg Montgomery, Watertown, WI, USA

  • I would rather be a cynic; they have better jokes and complain less.

    Camden, Milford, USA

  • I'm going to go with jaded because being jaded implies that you have a reason for being such... Cynics thrive on the belief that you can't trust anything or anyone, with no solid reasoning... Why? Because if they had reason they'd be jaded!

    Jess, Ft. Drum, NY USA

  • Pessimists tend to become cynical, as they tend to believe the existence of a hidden motive. Optimists, with experience, tend to become jaded, as the world falls short of their expectations. Jaded people tend to become cynical, but cynical people rarely end up jaded. So, being jaded is kind of the scenic route to cynicism.

    Fatch, Milwaukee, WI USA

  • Its worse to be jaded. I am very cynical and I love it.

    Herman, Edmond USA

  • A jaded person has been there and done that. A cynic never was.

    Amy, Lakewood Jefferson

  • I would say it has a sequence you are first cynical then after accepting you are right to be cynical you then become jaded. After being jaded then you can forget the lot and start being cyncial again

    Ian, Worcester England

  • Cynicism is the rejection of social rules. The irony is that the cynic needs a society with all its rules in order to criticize it. Jaded people have experienced enough of societal events to know that not everything is at it seems; i.e companies announce grandiloquent "transformations" when what they mean is labor cuts; sales people offer you incredible bargains that end up costing more than a regularly priced item. Now, in my opinion, we all are a bit cynics, jaded, optimists, etc. at one time or the other. It's part of a healthy human nature. Someone who defines his or herself as purely one or the other, is an emotionally crippled person.

    Flavio, San Diego USA

  • Cynicism goes hand in hand with scepticism. While being jaded leads to ignorance. If you can choose, choose cynicism, as it will bring you more trouble and thus a more complex life.

    Gerald, Bavaria

  • The power of accurate observation is called Cynicism by those who do not possess it ...

    Jack, Boston, England

  • A jaded person is already asleep, while a cynic is still awake and suffers of this "condition".

    Tim, Potsdam (Germany)

  • I have been called a everything accept a child of God. But for the first time I was told I was cynical? But after doing research I realize that it is a form charm, good wits and intelligence, at least that's the way I see it.

    Ishmael, Baldwyn MS USA

  • Humbug. You're all lightweights. As we rotate around a giant sinkhole to our certain oblivion, yet still have to pay taxes, buy a mortgage, spend thousands on ungrateful brats and die unloved in vicious and uncaring old people's home; it's better to reflect this miserable state of being by inclinging towards being both jaded AND cynical.

    N Taylor, Brighton UK

  • A cynic is someone who looks at the world and sees through the tripe most people accept without questioning it, they express their disappointment with the human race in general through sarcastic comments and remarks. Someone who is jaded does the exact same thing, but instead of telling the rest of the world how stupid they are like cynics do, they simply watch and wait for the world to catch up with them.

    Aoife, Dublin, Ireland

  • Cynics think that people are willing to throw them under the bus. People who are jaded have been under the bus.

    Tom, Chicago, USA

  • Jaded people haven't been there any more than cynics. They really are worthy of criticism, for there failure to do anything or to care. That's all I have to say right now.

    Michele, San Francisco

  • I am jaded and honestly its not because I was cynical

    Hiren , Dhoraji India

  • I’m always suspicious of someone who is sceptical of cynicism.

    John, Adirondacks USA

  • Cynics express their cynicism and hence, it is implied that they do it because they, at heart, still retain a tiny amount of belief in the good. If you lose even that, you become jaded. Hence, being jaded is better for yourself as apathy is easier to endure than pain.

    Sam, Munich, Germany

  • Cynical people comment more.

    Garreth , Austin, USA

  • There is no sadder sight than a young pessimist. Mark Twain but is it possible to go through life and not become a pessimist. If you're paying attention becoming a cynic or being jaded seems like a normal state of the human condition. Ignorance is bliss. The greatest minds go mad.

    tim, hudson valley usa

  • Jade is the aged color of cynicism.

    Kim, Massachusetts USA

  • I've been called jaded and I was offended. I've been called cynical and I told them I was a realist.

    Garp, Calgary Canada

  • The question sounds as though it was written by Noel Coward. I'm sure he could answer it best.

    Bernie, California USA

  • Being cynical gets you through the things that would make you jaded.

    Rob, Mandan, ND USA

  • Why does everyone assume a jaded person has given up on everything? A jaded person has seen enough of a particular situation to know when to move on and try to find something better, a cynic just has an underlying distrust of everything and therefore will not find anything better.

    Rye, Maryland USA

  • Actually, being jaded takes much more energy than being cynical. And either is boring.

    Chloé, Paris France

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