Can you tell what sex somebody is from a urine sample? | Notes and Queries

January 2024 ยท 1 minute read


Can you tell what sex somebody is from a urine sample?

Vicky Hill, London, UK

  • Yes, it's usually possible to recover enough DNA from cells shed into the urine to carry out a DNA identitiy test of the kind used by Forensic Scientists to identify individuals. These tests generally include a sex determination test.

    Jim, Cobham UK

  • Yes, urine will contain cells from the urinary tract. Cells can be used for DNA analysis thus determining the gender of the urinator.

    Jason, London, UK

  • If you watch them giving it, yes.

    Dave, Surrey, UK

  • Some of the above-mentioned methods are very costly and complicated. My answer is "yes" if you see the posture of the pisser! The male stands when pissing and the female sits when pissing.

    Cao Tien Quan, Quynh Giang, Quynh Luu, Nghe An, Vietnam

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